The Tale of the Hero who was Exposed at Birth in Euripidean Tragedy: a Study of Motifs

Marc Huys

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Monograph - free ebook - PDF

Prolegomena on the tale-pattern of the hero who was exposed at birth on its transformation by Euripides

  1. The ekthesis as the central motif of the tale-pattern of the hero who was exposed at birth
  2. Euripides and the tale-type of the hero who was exposed at birth
  • Analysis of the separate motifs of the tale-pattern of the hero who was exposed at birth, as they were dramatized in Euripides' tragedies
    1. The antecedents of child exposure
    2. The child abandonment proper and its circumstances
    3. The survival of the child and its growing up as a hero
  • Some concluding observations
  • Appendices
    1. List of exposed-hero tales numbered according to the collection of Gerhard Binder and enlarged with a supplement
    2. Tables
    3. Bibliography
    4. Index locorum antiquorum

  • Format: Monograph - free ebook - PDF

    Size: 240 × 160 mm

    ISBN: 9789061867135

    Publication: January 01, 1995

    Series: Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis - Series A (hardcover) 20

    Languages: English

    Stock item number: 46281
