Humanistica Lovaniensia, Volume LIV - 2005

Journal of Neo-Latin Studies

Edited by Dirk Sacré, Monique Mund Dopchie, Jan Papy, and Gilbert Tournoy

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Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, published annually, is the leading journal in the field of medieval, Renaissance, and modern Latin. As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neologisms).

1. Textus et Studia

Ruth Monreal
Vergils Vermächtnis: Die Gartenpraeteritio in den Georgica (4, 116-148) und Typen ihrer Rezeption im neulateinischen Lehrgedicht

Florian Schaffenrath
Petrarca in Africa: Selbstbezüge in Petrarcas Africa-Epos

Stefan Tilg
Eine christliche Spur in Petarcas heidnischem Götterkosmos? Zur Reihung der Planeten in der Ekphrasis des Syphax-Palastes (Africa, 3, 95-110)

Thomas Haye
Der Italienfeldzug Karls VIII. in den Versen des vergessenen Modeneser Dichters Francesco Rococciolo

Pedro Martín Baños
Preceptos epistolares e imitatio a comienzos del siglo XVI: edición y estudio de la Epithome artis epistolaris ad formulam Tullianam introducens (1512) atribuida a Urbanus Rhegius

Francisco Socas - Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego
Un tratado renacentista sobre el epigrama: De toto eo poematis genere, quod epigramma dicitur, de Tomé Correia (Venecia, 1569)

Mauricius Campanelli
De quadam verborum collatione a Iohanne Casa parata

Antonio Dávila Pérez
Correspondencia latina inédita de Pedro de Valencia con la imprenta plantiniana (1598-1604)

Noël Golvers
Two Overlooked Letters of Ferdinand Verbiest to Athanasius Kircher. How a Missionary Project was Shaped, and Kircher's Books were Received in mid-17th-century Spain and Portugal

Jennifer Morrish
Fiction, Morality, and an Old Wive's Tale in Samuel Gott's Nova Solyma

Walther Ludwig
"Alter Naso miser sum fatis, stemmate, vita" - Der Glaubensflüchtling Johann Carl v. Skop genannt Tluck und die Tristien Ovids

2. Instrumentum criticum

Luc Deitz
The Tools of the Trade: a Few Remarks on Editing Renaissance Latin Texts

Wlodzimierz Olszaniec
La fonte greca del Gorgia latino di Leonardo Bruni

Demmy Verbeke - Michiel Verweij
Notes on Christophorus and Iohannes Vladeraccus

Dirk Sacré
Notes on Fabio Chigi's Chigiae Familiae Commentaria

Dirk Sacré
On the Latin Poems of Reyer Anslo (1626-1669)

3. Instrumentum bibliographicum

4. Instrumentum lexicographicum

5. Indices
Index codicum manuscriptorum
Index nominum

Format: Journal - free ebook - PDF

Size: 240 × 160 × 30 mm

478 pages

ISBN: 9789058674920

Publication: December 21, 2005

Series: Humanistica Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 54

Languages: Latin

Stock item number: 46317


Dirk Sacré is professor of Latin and Neo-Latin at KU Leuven.
Gilbert Tournoy is emeritus professor of Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin at KU Leuven.
Jan Papy is full professor of Latin and Neo-Latin literature at KU Leuven. He publishes on Renaissance Humanism in the Low Countries, intellectual history, and Lipsius and Neo-Stoic philosophy.
Monique Mund-Dopchie is emeritus professor of Ancient Greek literature and History of Humanism at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).