Benedictine Culture 750-1050

Willem Lourdaux and Daniël Verhelst

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Edited volume - free ebook - PDF

At the suggestion of the Benedictine, Cistercian and Trappist communities of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, the 10th International Colloquium (May 19-21, 1980) organized by the Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies was devoted to the commemoration of the 15th Centenary of the birth of St. Benedict of Nursia.

It was clear to the editors of the present collection of essays that only select aspects of the manifold cultural and economic life of these monastic communities could be presented in a single volume. Nevertheless it was hoped that the reader might intuit the constant evolution and adaptation to altered social circumstances characteristic of the Benedictine communities, and thus participate in the process of discovery shared by members of the Colloquium. To enhance this sense of discovery and to suggest the continuing Benedictine contribution during the following epoch, the editors accepted a final study, which of course extends beyond the strict chronological limits of the volume.


Introduction by Viktor Dammertz

Josef Semmler, Benedictus II: una regula - una consuetudo

Adriaan H. Bredero, Cluny et le monachisme carolingien: continuité et discontinuité

Friedrich Lotter, Das Idealbild adliger Laienfrommigkeit in den Anfangen Clunys

Pierre Riché, Les moines bénédictins, maîtres d'école

John M. Mc Culloh, Historical Martyrologies in the Benedictine Cultural Tradition

Ludolf Kuchenbuch, Probleme der Rentenentwicklung in den klösterlichen Grundherrschaften des frühen Mittelalters

Carlos Steel, Nobis ratio sequenda est: Réflexions sur le rationalisme de Jean Scot Erigène

Maria Lodovica Arduini, 'Magistra ratione': 'auctoritas', 'traditio', 'ratio' von Anselm bis Adelard von Bath

Index nominum

Format: Edited volume - free ebook - PDF

Size: 240 × 160 mm

ISBN: 9789061861447

Publication: January 01, 1983

Series: Mediaevalia Lovaniensia - Series 1-Studia 11

Languages: English

Stock item number: 45614
