Piety and Modernity

The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920

Edited by Anders Jarlert

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Third volume in the series Dynamics of Religious Reform Piety and Modernity examines the dynamics of religious reform from the point of view of piety and devotional life between 1780 and 1920 in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Low Countries. The ‘long' nineteenth century saw the introduction of devotional organizations as a means of channeling popular religion. This era also witnessed the translation and publication of devotional books, journals, and pamphlets on a massive scale. This edited volume explores the nature of pious reforms in such areas as liturgy, saint cults, pilgrimage, confraternities, hymns, and Bible translation, with an emphasis on the changing patterns in religious expression at the collective and individual level, the growing influence of home missions, and the relations between piety and print culture. The interaction of piety and modernity is an important theme. While individual piety was often connected with the authority of church leaders and confessional teaching, the long nineteenth century gave rise to new forms of individualism, involving grassroots initiatives. This volume offers a rich overview of a range of interrelated national practices concerning piety in the nineteenth century.

Ingunn Folkestad Breisteinn (Ansgar College and Theological Seminary, Kristiansand), Mary Heimann (University of Strathclyde), Janice Holmes (The Open University in Ireland), Anders Jarlert (Lund University), F.A. (Fred) van Lieburg (University Amsterdam), Hugh McLeod (University of Birmingham), Peter Jan Margry (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam), Tine Van Osselaer (University of Leuven), Bernhard Schneider (Trier University), Johs. Enggaard Stidsen (University of Copenhagen).


Anders Jarlert


The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland

Christian Piety in Britain during the 'Long' Nineteenth Century, c 1780-1920
Mary Heimann

Sport and the Reform of Piety in England. A Case Study
Hugh McLeod

The Reform of Piety in Ireland, 1780-1920
Janice Holmes


The Low Countries

Reform of Piety in the Southern Netherlands/Belgium
Tine Van Osselaer

Dutch Devotionalization
Reforming Piety: Grassroots Initiative or Clerical Strategy?
Peter Jan Margry

Reforming Dutch Protestant Piety, 1780-1920
Fred van Lieburg



Reform of Piety in German Catholicism, 1780-1920
Bernhard Schneider

Evangelical Germany
Anders Jarlert


The Nordic Countries

The Dynamics of Reform of Piety in Denmark, c 1780-1920
Johs. Enggaard Stidsen

Reform in Sweden
From Confessional Provincialism towards World Ecumenism
Anders Jarlert

Reform of Piety in Norway, 1780-1920
Ingunn Folkestad Breistein



Map of Northern Europe c 1870



Format: Edited volume - ebook - PDF

336 pages

ISBN: 9789461660930

Publication: December 20, 2012

Series: Dynamics of Religious Reform 3

Languages: English

Anders Jarlert is Professor of Church History at Lund University (Sweden) and Vice President of the Commission Internationale d'Histoire et d'Etudes du Christianisme.

Naast begripshistorisch geïnspireerde analyses van vertogen over moderniteit en de plaats die religie in dat vertoog kreeg toegewezen zou ook een vergelijking van deze periode met de voorgaande en volgende tijdvakken nuttig kunnen zijn. Piety and modernity biedt daartoe prima aanknopingspunten.
Peter van Dam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis, vol. 127, no. 1, 2014


Net als de twee eerdere uitgaven in deze reeks leent ook dit deel zich bij uitstek voor vergelijkingen en het trekken van lijnen over de grenzen heen.
Lodewijk G.M. Winkeler, Trajecta Portal


In de reeks 'The dynamics of religious reform in Northern Europe (1780-1920)' verscheen een volume over de ontelbare devotionele organisaties die in 'de lange 19de eeuw' het licht zagen: het is de periode van duizenden devotieboekjes, pamfletten, affiches, tijdschriften en dies meer. Tal van experten bestuderen in dit boek de aard van de hervormingen die in deze periode tot stand komen onder druk van die dingen in de liturgie, de bedevaarten, de heiligencultus, de broederschappen enzovoort. Niet alleen in Afrika wordt gemissioneerd, maar ook in Europa! De experten buigen zich over de devotionele patronen inde volksvroomheid die grondig veranderen in deze periode en die mede aan de basis liggen van het Rijke Roomse Leven. Een heel hoofstuk is gewijd aan de toestand in België (naast andere landen). Daaruit blijkt dat de clerus eerst nogal weigerachtig stond tegenover volksvroomheid, maar die dan toch in 'goede' banen kan leiden.


This is a useful collection of essays not just for historians of religion, but for political, social and cultural historians. The essays illustrate the close interaction between culture, political and social movements and religion in the various countries, and also how even the Roman Catholic Church could respond differently in different national contexts. Although northern Europe was very different in 1920 from what it had been in 1780, religion continued to play a very significant role in people's lives as both a radical and conservative influence, and also in relation to nationalism and internationalism in these countries during the 'long nineteenth century'.