Josef Ijsewijn. Humanism in the Low Countries

Edited by Gilbert Tournoy

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Edited volume - paperback

Professor Jozef IJsewijn’s most relevant essays collected in one volume
Jozef IJsewijn. Humanism in the Low Countries contains twenty-one essays written by the late Professor Jozef IJsewijn during the period 1966-1996. All essays were selected by his pupil Professor Gilbert Tournoy, who collaborated with him since the foundation of the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae in 1966 until his untimely death in 1998. They are now published in one volume in homage to the most brilliant scholar in the field of Neo-Latin Studies of the twentieth century.

A number of contributions focus on the life and/or work of a single humanist from the Netherlands, others have a more general nature and deal with the very beginning and the later blossoming of Neo-Latin literature in the Low Countries or with the relationship between humanism in the Low Countries and in other European countries.

Hidden in a less-known journal or a Festschrift for a colleague, these studies are nowadays not always easy to find. This volume brings the most relevant essays of IJsewijn together and aims to contribute to the research and study of humanism and Neo-Latin literature in the Low Countries.

I. Un poème inédit de François Modius sur l’éducation du prince humaniste
Latomus, 25 (1966), 570-583.

II. The Beginning of Humanistic Literature in Brabant
De Gulden Passer, 47 (1969), 102-112.

III. Erasmus ex poeta theologus sive de litterarum instauratarum apud Hollandos incunabulis
in J. Coppens, ed., Scrinium Erasmianum, 2 vols (Leiden, 1969), I, 375-389.

IV. Alexander Hegius († 1498), Invectiva in Modos Significandi. Text, Introduction and Notes
Forum for Modern Language Studies, 7 (1971), 299-318.
V. The Coming of Humanism to the Low Countries
in H. Oberman - Th. Brady, Jr., eds, Itinerarium Italicum. The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformations. Dedicated to P.O. Kristeller on the occasion of his 70th birthday (Leiden, 1975), pp. 193-301.

VI. The Declamatio Lovaniensis de tutelae severitate: Students Against Academic Authority at Louvain in 1481
Lias, 3 (1976), 5-31.

VII. Annales theatri Belgo-Latini: Inventory of Latin Theatre from the Low Countries
[= English translation of:] Annales theatri Belgo-latini: inventaris van het Latijns toneel uit de Nederlanden in J. Veremans, ed., Liber amicorum Prof. Dr. G. Degroote (Brussel, 1980), pp. 41-55.

VIII. Theatrum Belgo-Latinum: Neo-Latin Theatre in the Low Countries
[= English translation of:] Theatrum Belgo-Latinum. Het Neolatijns toneel in de Nederlanden in Academiae Analecta. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, 43/1 (1981), 69-114.

IX. Lo storico e grammatico Matthaeus Herbenus di Maastricht, allievo del Perotti
Res Publica Litterarum, 4 (1981), 93-121.

X. Het humanisme, de Nederlanden en Spanje
in the catalogue Luister van Spanje en de Belgische Steden 1500-1700 (Brussel, 1975) = (traduction française:) Splendeurs d’Espagne et les villes belges 1500-1700 ( Bruxelles, 1975), I, 193-204.

XI. La fortuna del Filelfo nei Paesi Bassi
in Francesco Filelfo nel Quinto Centenario della Morte, Atti del XVII Convegno di Studi Maceratesi (Tolentino, 27-30 settembre 1981), Medioevo e Umanesimo, 58 (Padova, 1986), pp. 529-550.

XII. Supplementum Phoenissis seu Thebaidi Senecanae adiectum ab Henrico Chifellio Antverpiensi
in F. Decreus - C. Deroux, eds, Hommages à Jozef Veremans, Collection Latomus, 193 (Brussel, 1986), pp. 161-174.

XIII. Theognidis Sententiae a Francisco Craneveldio Latine versae (1541)
in A. Bonanno - H.C.R. Vella, eds, Laurea Corona. Studies in Honour of Edward Coleiro (Amsterdam, 1987), pp. 14-22.

XIV. A Correspondent of Lipsius: Roeland van Winkele / Rolandus Vinchelius
in A. Gerlo, ed., Juste-Lipse (1547-1606). Colloque international tenu en mars 1987, Travaux de l’Institut interuniversitaire pour l’étude de la Renaissance et de l’Humanisme, 9 (Brussel, 1988), pp. 101-118.

XV. Humanism in the Low Countries
in Albert Rabil, Jr, ed., Renaisance Humanism. Foundations, Forms and Legacy, 3 vols (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988), II, 156-215.

XVI. Humanisten uit de Nederlanden in Portugal [French translation]
in J. Everaert - E. Stols, red., Vlaanderen en Portugal (Antwerpen, 1991), pp. 263-273.

XVII. Umanisti del Nord in difesa dell’etica e delle vera scienza: Erasmo - Vives - Tommaso Moro
Academiae Latinitati fovendae Commentarii, series altera, 1 (Roma, 1990), 55-78.

XVIII. La filologia umanistica nei Paesi Bassi
in La Filologia medievale e umanistica greca e latina nel secolo XX. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma, C. N. R. - Università La Sapienza, 11-15 dicembre 1989, 2 vols (Roma, 1993), II, 821-830.

XIX. Latin and the Low Countries
in T. Hermans - R. Salverda, eds, From Revolt to Riches. Culture and History of the Low Countries 1500-1700, 2 vols (London, 1993), II, 9-29.

XX. Humanistic Relations between Scandinavia and the Low Countries
in I. Ekrem - M. Skafte Jensen - E. Kraggerud, eds, Reformation and Latin Literature in Northern Europe (Oslo, 1996),
pp. 1-18.

XXI. Emblems in Honor of a Dead Poet (Natalis Rondininus)
in J. Manning - M. van Vaeck, eds, The Jesuits and the Emblem Tradition. Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference 18-23 August 1996 (Turnhout, 1999), pp. 297-306.

Index Nominum

Format: Edited volume - paperback

Size: 240 × 160 mm

568 pages

ISBN: 9789462700451

Publication: September 23, 2015

Series: Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 40

Languages: English | French | Italian | Latin

Stock item number: 104073

Gilbert Tournoy is emeritus professor of Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin at KU Leuven.
[...] che racchiude in un solo testo tre decadi di ricerca di Josef IJsewijn (1932-1998), uno dei più importanti latinisti e filologi fiamminghi del XX secolo. Grazie a questo studioso, per certi versi, l’Umanesimo nei Paesi Bassi ha avuto una seconda fioritura [...] È dunque evidente l’importanza di questo volume, che non solo rappresenta un riconoscimento dovuto a una personalità di spicco di questo settore disciplinare, ma offre anche uno studio di insieme su un tema di grande interesse, attraverso contributi il cui valore scientifico è rimasto inalterato nel tempo. [...] Questo volume appare in ogni caso utile per lo studio dell’umanesimo nei Paesi Bassi.
Antonio Gerace, Cristianesimo nella storia, CrSt 38 (2017)


Wat we hier lezen is dan ook pionierswerk: het begin van het in kaart brengen van een ongelooflijke rijkdom aan cultuur die ongelezen dreigde te blijven. Alleen iemand met een enorm geduld en werkkracht, een mengeling van bescheidenheid en overmoed, en bovenal een ontzaggelijke belezenheid vastgelegd in een geheugen als een olifant, kon het Neolatijn op de kaart zetten. Deze bundel getuigt van IJsewijns unieke combinatie van talenten, gekoppeld aan een toekomstvisie: een langetermijnprogramma van jarenlange tekstarcheologie zal leiden tot een fundamenteel andere visie op de vorming van de Europese culturele identiteit.
Dirk van Miert, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 2017, jaargang 130, nummer 2


Anyone wishing to know more about humanism in the Low Countries will find in this volume a valuable collection of essays on the topic. We are now in a better position to assess IJsewijn's contribution to Neo-Latin studies. He was a keen researcher and an excellent Latinist who, by way of his history-driven research, considerably advanced knowledge of humanism, humanists, and Latin in the Low Countries - and on many other topics related to humanism and Neo-Latin in general.
Jan Bloemendal, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Renaissance Quarterly, Volume 69, Number 4 | Winter 2016


Each essay appears as it was originally published, except for the correction of a handful of minor typographical errors. This was a good decision: the editor was tempted to add information and update bibliography, but this would have created a bibliographical mess, in that scholars would be forced ever after to indicate clearly which version of the 'same' essay they had used.
The republication of these essays constitutes a fitting homage to a giant in our field, a scholar whose work remains as relevant today as it was when the first of these pieces originally appeared exactly 50 years ago.

Craig Kallendorf, Neo-Latin News Vol. 64, Nos. 1&2